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The 411...

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BR Mompreneurs is a thriving and vibrant community of Mompreneurs in Baton Rouge and the surrounding area. We’re raising babies and businesses. This group exists to connect, equip, and empower each other to be a boss at home and in your business. 

Baton Rouge (and the surrounding parishes) is home to many ambitious and talented women who balance home, family and careers. There is nothing stronger than females standing together helping each other. If you’re a Mompreneur just starting out or have scaled your business to the top, this group is for you. We can all learn from each other. 

Join us in our facebook group for weekly chats and training on all things Mom and entrepreneurship. If you're just starting out with your business, this is the group for you.  If you're a more seasoned Mompreneur, this is the group for you as we can all grow from your experiences.  

It's a connection for all Mompreneurs from stylists/make up artists, real estate, the corporate sector and beyond.  If you are a Mom and are running a business or side hustle...we are your village. 

We can't wait to meet you.

Join our Facebook Community

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Our private facebook group is meant to create community amongst like-minded ladies.  Plus, get exclusive tips to help grow your business that are only available to members of our group.

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Like our Facebook page and stay encouraged and up to do with everything Mompreneur.

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Like our Instagram page and stay encouraged and up to do with everything Mompreneur.


Mompreneurs of Baton Rouge. We're uniting and joining together to connect, equip and empower. We are raising babies and running businesses. 


Looking to connect?  

If you're interested in advertisement opportunities, consulting or just to say hi...shoot us a message. 

Thanks for the message. We can't wait to connect with you.

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